All Ranks are not real! They are given as a way to reward you for participation in STARFLEET and not to be taken as actual authority over those holding a lower rank.

All crew members under the age of 18 will to assigned as Cadets except as specified below.
Cadets ages 14 or older may request to “graduate early” and be recognized with full Enlisted or Commissioned rank, along with the responsibilities inherent with the role. Such advancement of crew members under the age of 18 will not be allowed to advance beyond the rank of E-5 or O-4 until the crew members 18th birthday.
Cadets that achieve the rank of Cadet Crewman before they “graduate” may upon enlistment or commission will be advanced ahead of peers by two grades for enlisted or one grade for officer so long as all other requirements are meet. (i.e. Crewman E-3 / Lieutenant Junior Grade O-2)

All crew members ages 18 and older will be assigned as enlisted (Crewman Recruit E-1). All enlisted grades are authorized to be approved by the Commanding Officer of the ship (Chapter).

All crew members seeking to be commissioned must have completed OTS. Enlisted in the grade of E-5 or higher that commission are eligible to be commissioned at the Rank/Grade of Lieutenant Junior Grade/O-2. Promotions for Grades O-1 (Ensign) through O-5 (Commander) are authorized to be approved by the Commanding Officer of the ship (Chapter). The Grade of O-6 (Captain) is recommended for approval by the Ship’s Commanding Officer, and approved at the Region level by the Regional Coordinator. Approval at this level usually require participation and/or service at the regional level. Grades of O-7 and above must be approved by the Executive Committee of STARFLEET. This process requires a promotion packet and participation and/or service at the fleet level.
Time In Grade Waivers
Time in Grade (TIG) requirements may be reduced by half for exceptional performance. Approval of Time in Grade waivers are at the discretion of the CO or his delegated representative. These waivers may be requested by a Department Head, OIC, Team Leader, Auxiliary representative, Regional Coordinator, Executive Committee member, or the Chain of Command.
Field Promotions
It is possible to be promoted specific ranks directly by virtue of positions held. This can be anything from a Department Head on the ship, a director for a school in the Academy, to becoming Commander of STARFLEET itself. Additionally, individuals who serve on fleet level committees (i.e. VIC positions, IC committee, etc.) for a period of 6 moths or greater can be promoted. Such promotions are provisional until a trial period of time elapses in which the rank becomes permanent.
Promotion Points
There are many ways to earn promotion points, but they all boil down to one thing, Participation! There are two types of promotion points you can earn; Regular that reset each time you achieve a new rank/grade, and Permanent that do not reset and follow you through your STARFLEET career. Permanent points are hard to earn but can well be worth the effort. All regular promotion points earned while in uniform at in person events are doubled for the event in question. Below is an extensive, but not all-inclusive list of ways to earn promotion points. If you want to know if something can count for points, just ask.
Regular Promotion Points
Meeting Attendance* | Academy Class | Games w/ Crewmates* | Participate in a Fleet Challenge | Plan, Host, and Report an Event | Participate on Discord Server | Write article for the newsletter |
2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 |
* Double points while in uniform | ||||||
Attend a Convention* | Participating in a charity event* | Renewing Membership on time | Recruiting a member into STARFLEET | Running the Chapter table at a convention | Running a Convention Panel | Participating in community service* |
3 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 2 |
Permanent Promotion Points
Academy Degree Program (Max 100) | Auxiliary Special Awards | Leadership Position | Bridge Officer Certification | Officer Training School | Officer Command Course |
Associate (10) Master (25) Doctorate (40) | Black Ops Specialty Pin, Specialist Medical Training Program, | Chapter (50) Region (75) Fleet (75) | 20 | 5 (10 for Distinction) | 15 |