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About STARFLEET Medical

STARFLEET Medical is led by the Surgeon General (who the Director of STARFLEET Medical). The Surgeon General has a Command Staff and Regional Assistant Surgeon Generals (ASG’s) along with STARFLEET International crew-members located in the various STARFLEET International (SFI)  Regions around the world who are interested in medical matters. In addition to the Surgeon General, there are other members of STARFLEET Medical with various duties— such as public health, men and women’s health, and emergency preparedness.   Members of STARFLEET Medical work collaboratively with SFI Regional leadership and like-minded STARFLEET International members to promote health in the community, raise awareness in public health matters, along with promoting safety in the home.  Many STARFLEET Medical members are also actively involved in community service activities and assist SFI Regions in developing their volunteer efforts in this area. The STARFLEET Medical is not a policy-making auxillary of the STARFLEET International fan club.

STARFLEET Medical’s Goals

We assist Regional (ASG’s) and Chapter Medical  Officers (CMO’s) along with other Regional Officers by giving public health, medical, home, and workplace safety information and to provide resources to the members of STARFLEET International. We take steps to promote public health, home and workplace safety in keeping with Gene Roddenberry’s vision by being dedicated to helping humankind attain noble goals and ideals and lead by example through service and teamwork as illustrated in the TV series.

Core Medical Training

Core Training Level 1


Core Training Level 2


Core Training Level 3


Core Training Level 4


Core Training Level 5


Core Training Level 6


Core Training Level 7


Core Training Level 8


Core Training Level 9


Core Training Level 10


Medical Program Graduates

Starfleet Medical Doctor (SFMD) certification

Bridge Officer Certification Program – Chief Medical Officer

Bridge Officer Certification Program – Counselor

Interspecies Medical Exchange Program

Specialist Training

Augment Genetics

Cancer Studies

Emergency Medicine

Fringe Medicine

Medical Technology

Mortuary Studies

Musculoskeletal Studies & Surgery

 Obstetrics, Gynecology & Midwifery
Psychiatry & Psychology
Space Medicine
Starfleet Medical History
Traditional Medicine